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    Impacts on the electricity service in Ciego de Ávila continue

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    Continúan las afectaciones del servicio eléctrico en CiegodeÁvila 

    The Ciego de Ávila Electricity Union informs that the effects on the electricity service will continue in the coming days, due to technological limitations in the thermal generation blocks, the units that are under maintenance, the breakdowns that occurred in the last hours and the limitations for the distribution of fuel to generators of distributed generation.

     To face this situation, actions to regulate the demand were implemented in the state sector and the rotations of the circuits that will be affected are organized so that the maximum time of electric current deficit does not exceed 4 hours.

     According to the official note of the entity, this planning is variable and depends on the demand and the generation capacity of each moment, for which there will be some without circuits or blackouts, some incorporated into other blocks during the day and others in the one that the affectation will be in less than four hours.

     Below we detail the effects of the electricity service by blocks:

     Block 1

     Made up by the Citrus I, Citrus II, Citrus III, Citrus IV, Ceballos, El Burro, La Teresa, La Juanita and Violeta circuits from 9:00 a.m.  at 1:00 p.m.

     Block 2

     Through the circuits Bolivia, Baraguá, Vicente, Colorado, Patria, Turiguanó, EB Cayo Coco and La Cuba I from 1:00.  at 5:00 p.m.

     Block 3

     The Nereida, Polytechnic of Informatics, Peonia, La Cuba, Gaspar, Corojo and Combinado Minaz circuits from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.  and the Micro Norte circuit always after 4:00 p.m.

     Block 4

     Chambas, El Asiento, Los Perro, Punta Alegre, Delfín Moreno, El Mambí, Florencia and Tamarindo from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m.

     Block 5

     The CAI Varona, Ciego Sur, Falla, Ranchuelo, Morón Norte, Morón Sur and Morón Centro circuits.

     This last block will be the first to be affected tomorrow, June 26, with the other blocks changing, and as previously reported, the schedule depends on the specific situation that exists at that time with electricity generation.

     The company has adopted measures to reduce, as much as possible, consumption in state entities and the entire population is asked to take extreme measures to save electricity.

     The Electric Union works without a break to solve the presented faults in order to conclude the maintenance in progress in the shortest possible time and offers apologies for the caused inconvenience.