Elsa at 6:00 in the morning

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Elsa a las 6:00 de la mañana

Clouds and rains associated with tropical storm Elsa cover a large part of the archipelago, with the most active areas of drizzles, rains and some electrical storms affecting from Matanzas and Isla de La Juventud to the province of Granma.

At six in the morning the center of tropical storm Elsa was estimated at 21.1 degrees North latitude and 80.1 degrees West longitude, about 145 kilometers southeast of Playa Girón, Matanzas province.

Elsa maintains its course to the northwest, although its translation speed decreases slightly, up to 22 kilometers per hour and has maximum sustained winds of 100 kilometers per hour, with a central pressure of 1004 hectoPascals.

In the next 12 to 24 hours, Tropical Storm Elsa will continue heading northwest, with a similar speed of translation, with a slight increase in intensity before penetrating, at noon today, along the southern coast of Matanzas, in the vicinity of Playa Girón, with a subsequent weakening when advancing inland.

Clouds and rains will continue to affect a large part of the country, being strong and intense, in some locations, mainly in mountainous areas.

In the central and western regions, the winds will blow with tropical storm force, with speeds between 60 and 75 kilometers per hour, with superior gusts of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

The swells will continue throughout the southern coast of Cuba, with slight coastal flooding from the southern coast of Matanzas to the Gulf of Guacanayabo.  On the north western coast, there will be swells with the beginning of light coastal flooding from the night in low areas of that coast.

The next tropical cyclone warning will be issued at nine in the morning on Monday.