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    Wetlands on the southern coast of Ciego de Ávila are improved

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    mangles zona sur litoras ciego de avila

    The gradual recovery of the Júcaro wetlands stands out among the results of the international project My Coast, which is implemented on the southern coast of the municipalities of Baraguá and Venezuela.

    My Costa prioritizes in its management the formation of adaptation capacities in the community itself, with the economic actors and for the planning of socioeconomic development.

    Alejandro González Díaz, Coordinator of the My Coast International Project in Ciego de Ávila, explained that in the case of Júcaro, some 300 hectares of mangrove forest should be completed by the year 2024.

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    Another of the results of the international project My Coast in Ciego de Ávila is the application of hazard, vulnerability and risk studies, including synergy with other similar or related projects such as the Green Fund and the Coastal Resilience Fund.

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