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    Electrical Power Company estimates that there will be no effects due to a deficit in generation capacity

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    Unión Eléctrica estima que no ocurran afectaciones por déficit de capacidad de generación

    The Electrical Power Company estimates for the night peak hours of this Sunday an availability of 2,760 MW and a maximum demand of 2,600 MW, for a reserve of 160 MW. If the forecast conditions are maintained, no affectation is forecast during this time due to a deficit in generation capacity.

    The availability of the SEN at 07:00 hours was 2,580 MW and the demand was 2,150 MW, with the entire system in service.

    During daylight hours, it is estimated that there will be no effects due to a deficit in generation capacity. In yesterday's session, the service was not affected for this reason either.

    Unit 6 of the CTE Nuevitas and unit 2 of the CTE Felton are out of service due to breakdowns. Unit 5 of the CTE Mariel, the unit of the CTE Guiteras, unit 5 of the CTE Nuevitas and unit 6 of the CTE Renté are under maintenance.

    Limitations in thermal generation (325 MW) persist. Meanwhile, in distributed generation, 898 MW are unavailable due to failure and 166 MW are under maintenance.

    For peak hours, the entry of unit 5 of the CTE Mariel with 70 MW (in the start-up process), the increase of the combined cycle of Energas Jaruco by 20 MW, the entry of unit 2 of Robustiano León (Hydroelectric Plant) is estimated. with 14 MW, the entry of 2 engines in Mobile Generation with 36 MW and the recovery of 40 MW in engines.