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    Beware of the return of COVID-19

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    Cuidado con el regreso de la COVID-19

    If in recent days, the perception that there are more coughs and colds circulating has been spread, now the statistics take us out of the area of ​​doubt, confirming that the transmission rate of COVID-19 is increasing and that it coincides in time and space with other acute respiratory infections.

    The precise data was given to Invasor by José Luis López González, deputy director of Epidemiology in the province, who illustrates that in the last 15 days 14 cases of this disease have been reported, which correspond mostly to pregnant women, postpartum women and children under two years; risk groups that have remained on epidemiological surveillance.

    “Only in the last week, there were nine cases, in contrast to the five previously registered in the same period of time, for this reason, we insist on the conscientious use of the mask in public places and to refrain from going to work or school with respiratory symptoms. These days, we visit the open focus controls to guarantee the quality of the actions. The only relief is that the patients evolve without seriousness”.

    The municipalities of Ciego de Ávila, Primero de Enero, Bolivia and Morón are the ones with the highest incidence rate, which, of course, does not reflect those who have stayed at home without a rapid test or PCR involved, but with the alarm of a persistent malaise, cough and fever.

    Despite this, López González clarifies that people with acute respiratory symptoms or similar to those of this disease have been tested and have tested positive for certain rhinoviruses and parainfluenza, that is, the care is not excessive and any indication can be COVID-19 until proven otherwise.

    At this point, advancing in the application of the third reinforcement dose in the province is the pillar on which the health system is based today to overcome this new stage without scares. This has been partly the case, since in the last three months there have been no reports of deaths from this COVID-19 or serious or critical patients in intensive care rooms, so go to the vaccination points established in the polyclinics of each area of Health is an unavoidable barrier to confront the virus.

    To date, more than 79,000 Ciego de Ávila citizens between the ages of 19 and 69, around 18,000 over 70 years of age, and nearly 1,900 pregnant women have received the reinforcement with Abdala and Soberana 02, a combination of proven effects. Even when the required potential figures are met, the pace is slow and timely information has been lacking.

    There are no reports on the circulation of new variants in the territory and, if they exist, the concern today is not the severity of the symptoms, but rather the virulence and speed of spread.