The allegory of the fishbone

How long can a choked fishbone stay in the throat? 62 years! Indeed, and some of them promise to last longer, prolonging the concern. Even the most seasoned otolaryngologists cannot contradict what is a fact.

The circumstances explain the fear of certain individuals to consume a good fish, including their efforts to eliminate those that represent a threat to their survival, without achieving encouraging results to date. Meanwhile, exasperation and impotence unleash a series of insanities due to the impossibility of extracting a small and simple fishbone. Even powerful and sophisticated instruments have not succeeded. It seems that it does not matter how much effort is made; it will still be there.

Of what substance is such a spike composed, which could be called a fossil in that voracious throat? How is it possible that it does not detach itself or not even bend in front of so many attempts to destroy it? It has been nurtured over time by those intangible elements that make it durable with an evolution misunderstood by the sufferer because courage, dedication, sacrifice, dignity, resistance and unity have prevailed.

There are so many striking living beings and facts around it, however, the fishbone, in its tiny composition of 11 million particles and, with few resources to grow, has focused attention since it is there. Certainly, it is precisely that, the place where it has taken root, which makes it a notorious event and makes it worthy of infamies and uncertain qualities, to the point that many doubt that the foreign body is a fishbone, causing as much damage as to generate millionaire costs in expensive treatments.

It cannot be removed. The pain increases when it is manipulated, as a sign of rebellion when the usual intruder (the one with the multiple disguises) uses a new strategy to banish it from the place where it enjoys rights and freedoms. It is the fishbone, but also the victim that, on the big stage, they pretend to present as the perpetrator, as if the pain, discomfort, injustice and constant threats that have marked its life there were not enough. It is not the cause of the ills that surround it although many try to blame it; it is simply someone who has managed to survive in a hostile environment. 

Those who look out to see it verify that it is really small, but surprising, especially because of the ability to transform itself without losing its essence. It has all the conditions to cause discomfort and irritate that monstrous throat.