PNR: dedication and high sense of duty

The members of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR by its Spanish initials) arrived at the 62nd anniversary of that organ of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT by its Spanish initials) with encouraging results in the operational assurance of complexities in the epidemiological situation, and in the confrontation with prioritized crimes and harmful behaviors that violate the success of the monetary and exchange regulation process.

First Lieutenant Direlvis Cardoso Llovera, head of the PNR in the municipality of Morón, highlighted that among the main achievements of the finalized period were the actions to guarantee citizen calm and internal order during the quarantine in the Popular Council Turiguanó, cataloged as the most extensive in the country; the confrontation with crimes of Speculation and Hoarding, and Illicit Economic Activity, associated with liners and the resale of products; and the fight against events of Propagation of Epidemics.

“The discovery of criminal chains of Robbery with Force and Robbery with Violence and Intimidation in People is added to this, which occurred in homes with residents and the public streets respectively; which allowed the restitution of a considerable part of the stolen property ”, he stressed.

In close association with officials of the Municipal Supervision and Control Directorate, police officers in Morón face cost violations, mainly in the non-state sector by carrying out forced sales to the population at minimum amounts, in response to abusive and speculative prices, achieves a positive impact on the population and fosters confidence in the success of the Ordering Task.

The increase in specialized training and the requirement to comply with the action models, as well as the observance of biosafety measures to prevent the contagion and spread of the new coronavirus, are other priorities.

In this context, the PNR officials in the territory welcomed the congratulations of the Minister of the Interior, General Brigadier Lázaro Alberto Álvarez Casas, who acknowledged that “the PNR has been present in the first trench in the battle against Covid-19, in the prevention and confrontation against crime, illegalities and social indiscipline; in defense of our economy and facing the aggressive actions of imperialism.

"The new generations of policemen have written glorious pages in intense days of sacrifice, without rest, away from their families for long months, where dedication and a high sense of duty have prevailed above all."

In his congratulatory letter, the Minister of the Interior was convinced that "they will continue to have the highest recognition, which is the trust and support of the people."

The distinction for Distinguished Service, the highest decoration granted by the MININT, was received by three officers with relevant results in the fulfillment of their missions in this celebration day. Meanwhile, another nine people got recognitions for standing out in the safeguarding of the defense and the conquests of the Revolution.

In the political-cultural meeting, the Headquarters of the PNR in the Morón territory, on the occasion of the anniversary, received recognition from the local directorates of Education, Culture and the Cuban Workers' Central, Yankiel DJ and the Havana Team Cuba Project, and the municipal committees of the Party and the UJC.

Marta Irene González Pena, director of the Municipal Museum Caonao, when referring to the members of the PNR, highlighted: “Their self-denial purifies and sublimates them, usually in critical hours they shine with intense fire, without personal preferences before the public reality and the need to accommodate the ideal of justice; it is aimed at the calm of the worker, the student, the children, the young and old people. Our eternal gratitude for being the light that protects and encourages us ”.