The transparency of Rosa Aurora's blue eyes

Rosa Aurora. The perfect name for this woman who decided to leave us to that dimension to which clean and clear souls march, this January 10.

You can imagine her in artistic poses because her sweet face seemed designed for the brush. But you will always remember her in a firm attitude, never rude, convinced of the truth that she carried, together with her sisters in the cause, all over the world, because the world deserved to know the truth about the five men, that the empire unjustly retained in its prisons.

Then she went from conceiving dreams to postpone them, to give birth to very harsh realities, convinced that she would overcome obstacles and could fully dedicate herself to rebuild each postponed aspiration.

There were many granted interviews during the battle that seemed interminable at times, but it simultaneously made her stronger and more and more convinced of her feelings. On February 14, 2006, Rosa Aurora burned miles of affection, oblivious to time on the run, while she spilled pieces of tenderness on the corner of a book with her signature, workbook, poster or notebook, and savored half of each kiss to send the other portion to his Fernando, ”Surrounded by children, ”at the ICAP provincial headquarters in Las Tunas. The journalist Pastor Batista wrote about this immense woman that assured that she admired "the extraordinary capacity of him, and of the others, to convey to us (her family members) the feeling that everything is going and will go well and that it will not have to worry or despair us "... How many times did the hero assure you that" you were going to be the happiest woman in the world, and that the happiness they had lived would die of envy at the happiness they would live "

Sure she was not wrong. Her decisions and that sublime will of not collapsing or giving up; that beautiful capacity to surrender and not keep being herself speak us about a happy Rosa Aurora, despite the sorrows.

Gerardo, one of the Five Cuban Heroes, at the news of her death, has called her a "warrior" and has said that as such she has been fighting for her health in recent years ... And you, Rosa Aurora, won! Now, the transparency of your blue eyes and your example will continue to come to us from that dimension to which you have marched.