Salvador Valdés Mesa checks important works in Ciego de Ávila

Salvador Valdés Mesa, vice president of the Republic of Cuba, carried out a detailed analysis of the status of investments in the Ciro Redondo sugar factory and the bioelectric plant located next to it, a combination that should operate on this date, but technological difficulties have prevented the implementation of one of the most important strategic investments in the country for the development of programs for the use of renewable energy sources so far.

Specialists informed the Vice President of the Republic of Cuba that the bioelectric plant has generated electric current with the use of marabú biomass, not with bagasse, because Ciro Redondo has not been able to start the sugar harvest corresponding to the campaign 2020-2021 until now, in which it must manufacture about 73,000 metric tons of sugar.

Valdés Mesa became aware of the main problem that prevents synchronization, the high silica content of the condensate that the sugar factory must supply to the bioelectric plant, a reality that, according to the specialists, must have a solution in the start-up process itself, which will allow cleaning the pipes.

Once in operation, the Ciro Redondo sugar factory will be the most modern one in Cuba, with an installed capacity to process about 8,000 tons of cane per day, while it will have the obligation to deliver the bagasse and condensed water to the plant, and this one, in turn, will reward the colossus with electricity and thermal energy (steam) and will generate about 60 megawatts.

The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, accompanied by Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez and Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, president and vice president of the Defense Council in Ciego de Ávila, presided over the check of food production in one of the provinces where «there are managers and experienced workers in the agricultural branch and among all of them they can contribute more than what the province has been done so far. We have enough land to turn the country into a productive garden, "he said.

In the meeting, he exchanged with Carlos Blancos Sánchez, director of the agricultural enterprise La Cuba, about the experience in the cultivation of bananas and the diversification of the entity to make it even more prosperous, an example of a socialist state company.

The engineer Domingo de León Reyes, head of the Department of Plant Health in the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture, referred to the growing number of producers who use biological means in the fields and gave as good examples the companies Arnaldo Ramírez and La Cuba when addressing the phytosanitary strategy used in the territory in the face of the deficit of fertilizers and other chemical products to combat pests and diseases.

Valdés Mesa insisted on the need to reach all the 269 Ciego de Ávila's communities with productions, where there are 189 points of sale.

Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez said that although it is true that the province exceeds 24 pounds per capita delivered to date, that number is far from meeting the demand of the population.