Trumpets for Trump

Not only the United States, the whole world seems to be aware of what may happen in the next few hours within that powerful country, especially in relation to - or as a consequence of - the stance adopted by its outgoing ruler Donald John Trump.

His outright refusal to participate in the mandatory succession ceremony - shattering a long tradition - coincides with information that the Washington Post advances about the departure that same day, before Biden is sworn into office.

It will not be the first, and possibly not the last, expression of ignorance and irreverence towards the triumph of the Democratic opponent. The tone of a congenital arrogance and impertinence, which made him increasingly unpopular, even within the Republican ranks, became an open incitement to civil violence that ended up overturning on the Capitol thousands of his blind followers, authors of a behavior as barbarous (savage) as the one that his own government applauded every time that the also incited political opposition undertook similar actions against legitimate governments in countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador ...

To make "matters" worse, the event not only defamed the Republican party and unmasked the apparently immaculate North American democracy, but also highlighted a situation of insecurity perhaps never felt so real and intensely there, at least for decades. On January 20, around 21 thousand troops are enlisted for the inauguration of Biden, not by choice.

If the spread of lies told by him is added to the aforementioned stated, barbarities such as suggesting to inject disinfectant against the coronavirus, thousands of ridiculing caricatures of his figure and a huge amount of memes as a result of the latest events ... it is obvious that , in addition to the dismissal that he prepares on the red carpet for himself, the game will have more "trumpet" chords than bass drums, cheers and cymbals implicit when he enters the Air Force One for the last time: the "flying White House" where he thought to flight eternally to glory believing himself invincible, superior to everything and everyone; owner of the world and the most powerful guy on Earth, since natural evolution turned the ape into man.