The contribution of women to the fight against Covid-19 is recognized in Morón

In the context of the celebrations for International Women's Day, the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC bu its Spanish initials) in the municipality of Morón recognized the contribution of women to the fight against the pandemic Covid-19.

Ariamny Menéndez Casas, member of the secretariat of that organization in the territory of Morón and representative of the Ideological sphere, highlighted the participation of women in direct care for patients admitted with Covid-19 at the General Teaching Hospital Roberto Rodríguez Fernández; work in isolation centers, assistance provided in different health areas and work in the family doctor's offices, in an epidemiological scenario particularly complex.

Also, she highlighted the performance of a dozen housewives, since the beginning of the pandemic, in the manufacture of nasobucos (with their own efforts) for their subsequent distribution in the communities, so that adequate protection is guaranteed and minimized the risks of contagion and spread of the disease.

"Women have also joined messaging tasks to help families who remain in social isolation, assisting vulnerable people and conducting active investigations to detect symptoms suggestive of coronavirus in the population and act in a timely manner", Liliet Paz Torres, member of the Municipal Secretariat of the FMC that attends the Organizational sphere, said.

Besides, the FMC praised the work of women associated with the prioritized sectors of the economy, fundamentally those linked to the maintenance of internal order and citizen tranquility, as well as to the production of food and goods and services, essential tasks to maintain the vitality of the country.

In greeting to the anniversary, the delivery of recognitions to the Morón`s women who make up the Specialized Medical Contingent Henry Reeve in Fight against Natural Disasters, for their outstanding performance, solidarity, humanism and altruism demonstrated during the fight against Covid-19 in different regions of the world.