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    The work of medical science students stands out

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    Destacan labor de estudiantes de ciencias médicas en el enfrentamiento a la Covid-19

    Immersed in conducting active investigations in the communities, to timely detect people with symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, the students of the Arley Hernández Moreira Faculty of Medical Sciences, from the city of Morón, will celebrate the 59th anniversary of the Youth Union Communists (UJC).

    These students favor a reduction in mortality, as a result of the identification of a greater number of individuals with diseases, who are offered the possibility of timely and effective treatment to improve the quality of life during the disease.

    Yohant Pazos Montes, president of the University Student Federation at the Morón`s Faculty of Medical Sciences, told Portal del Ciudadano Avileño that political events will take place in the coming days at the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández General Teaching Hospital and the North and South polyclinics of the city de Morón, to commemorate the anniversary and recognize the performance of young people in the face of the pandemic.

    “Recognitions are expected to be awarded to outstanding students in conducting active research and the awarding of the Youth for Life Distinction to others who stand out for their work in communities, hospitals, isolation centers and key areas in the confrontation with Covid -19”, specified the student leader.

    Although the active research constitutes the fundamental activity, the plan of activities in greeting to the 59th anniversaries of the UJC and 60th the José Martí Pioneers Organization, and the 8th Party Congress, includes the execution of productive activities in organoponics and cane fields, to support the food production program and the 2020-2021 sugar harvest.

    In the next few days, they will also join a blood donation and productive activities in the Jardines del Rey tourist destination, in close connection with other young people from the territory of Morón, summoned by the Municipal Committee of the UJC.

    "From different platforms," Pazos Montes added, "we join in rejecting the discrediting campaigns against Cuban doctors and scientists, and we demand the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the US government."

    Yohant assured that the continuity of the Revolution is guaranteed, “we are part of a generation that defends the conquests of our heroes and martyrs, the achievements of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, the socialist, sovereign and humanist Revolution. We intend to add more and more young people to this cause, in order to strengthen unity.”