Canadian tourism maintains interest in Cuba destination

Lesner Gómez, director of the Tourism Office in Toronto, Canada, told the press that Cuba is a safe destination, and when the northern nation reopens its borders and air operations, there will be an avalanche of vacationers to the destinations of the Greater Island of the Antilles.

In this way, he showed his optimism in the resumption of operations from that nation to the Caribbean island, which in 2019 received more than a million people from that country, the main issuing market to Cuba, for its hospitality, considered the second home of many tourists of that nationality.

In March 2020, when the travel and leisure industry was affected by the appearance of COVID-19, with the suspension of Canadian visits to the Caribbean and, in particular, Cuba, the destinations with the highest demand on the island were Cayo Largo del Sur (west), Varadero (west), Cayo Santa María (center), Jardines del Rey (center-north) and Holguín (east).

The promotion and strengthening of commercialization in the North American nation is extremely important, as Canada has been the first source market for tourists to Cuba for more than a decade.

In fact, on September 4 of last year, 104 Canadian hikers who arrived at the Jardines del Rey destination, from Montreal, Canada, were quickly tested to the PCRs (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and, after being negative on the test, they enjoyed the benefits of that destination, subjected to a more renewed and healthy tourism.

Although the operations of the northern country are suspended, today the destination receives four flights a week from Russia with all the facilities certified as one of the Most Hygienic and Safe Tourism, and its corresponding Guide, aspects related to the training of workers and the regulation of activities according to the requirement of the moment.