Sales in MLC favor agricultural production in Ciego de Ávila

The Store in Freely Convertible Currency (MLC by its Spanish initials) of the Agricultural Supplies Company of the province of Ciego de Ávila (ESACA by its Spanish initials) contributes to guarantee the resources for the cold and spring planting campaigns in the Agroindustrial companies: D Cballos, Integral and Genetics Livestock Turiguanó.

During a tour of the aforementioned commercial establishment, Reina Torres Pérez, deputy and member of the Agrifood Commission of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP by its Spanish initials), verified the sale of electrodes, rubber boots, wheelbarrows, detergent and roofing materials (beams and zinc tiles).

In dialogue with directors of ESACA, the representative of the ANPP learned that the store achieves productive chains with Ciego de Ávila´s entities recognized at the national level for the quality of their productions, including PROVARI, the Company of Brushes and Plastic Articles (CEPIL by its Spanish initials) Juan Antonio Márquez Fraga, and the UEB Indalecio Montejo.

Aramís Guevara Delgado, provincial director of ESACA, specified that with the arrival of the post in the coming days, as it was confirmed by FINCIMEX, the purchasing possibilities for producers will be expanded. She also pointed out that it works through a system that identifies demands in order to guide the purchasing and replenishment processes.

The mechanisms applied by the Commercial Department of ESACA and the exchange with clients, demonstrate the understanding of the processes that are undertaken to guarantee the equipment and the conformity with the prices, considered affordable.

Directors of the entity emphasized that the sale of feed destined to the breeding of rabbits and pigs is projected, since there is a demand for the factory of 500 tons.

“The store in MLC expands the commercialization of resources destined for agriculture and enhances the obtaining of foreign exchange for the economic and social development of the country. The income will favor the acquisition of goods to promote sales in national currency in the existing shopping centers in the 10 municipalities of the province”, Alcides Acosta Aguilar, director of the ESACA's Commercial Base Business Unit (UEB) highlighted.

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, Raúl Castro Ruz, during the reading of the Central Report of the 8th. Congress of the PCC, referred to sales in MLC in the retail and wholesale trade, introduced by obligation, due to the extreme situation of lack of liquidity.

“He had the objective of establishing a group of assortments that were disappearing from the state market and that were leading to purchases abroad and illegal resale. Under COVID-19, the sale of other products was expanded to encourage remittances from Cubans abroad,” Raúl said.


As it was revealed in the exchange with ESACA executives, the Ordering Task has had a positive impact, closing the first quarter with profits and achieving stability in the workforce.

The 412 workers carry out tasks aimed at diversifying the productions, among which the creation of the Provincial Center for Organic Compost, in the municipality of Chambas; and the assembly of two planting fields and plants for the production of liquid and powder tobacco (Nicosave, due to its commercial name) stand out.

In close connection with the Information Technology Company of the Ministry of Agriculture, they are working to introduce electronic commerce, in line with the computerization process and the marketing policies that are being promoted in the country.