Successful implementation of the Ordering Task in a Ciego de Ávila company

Through an adequate implementation of the Ordering Task, the Raw Materials Recovery Company (ERMP by its Spanish initials) of the province of Ciego de Ávila maintains favorable financial indicators and a working environment to be inserted in the economic and social development strategy of the country.

 The readjustment of sales prices considered as premises the establishment of a balance with the international market, the need to promote productive chains, competitiveness at the national and foreign levels, and the financial health of the company.

Manuel Rieche González, general director of the ERMP of the territory of Ciego de Ávila, highlighted that the prices of non-ferrous metals (stainless steel, aluminum, copper, bronze) were fundamentally modified to reasonable values ??and adjusted to costs in the international market, that ensure profits.

"The search for a balance was essential to favor economic indicators and set prices consistent with companies in chain, so that the increase did not revert to excessive costs of final productions for the customer," the manager said.

The entity closed the first quarter of 2021 with more than 5 000 000 pesos in national currency in profits and, in April, with 1 120 000 pesos, this last figure suggestive of positive results at the end of the next three months.

30% of the profits were aimed at stimulating the efforts of the workers, with additional payments that varied between 2,000 and 4,000 pesos in national currency, which favors a favorable working environment in an entity deserving of the conditions of the National Vanguard and Collective of Victories, the last one ratified in 2020.

The economic results also imply an improvement in working conditions, based on the acquisition of equipment that humanizes work and broadens the possibilities of recovering, processing and marketing.

Rieche González assured that the company has no debts with natural or legal people. "We buy, weigh and pay at the time, although there is also the option to pay by checks," she said.

Kendry Mastrapa Diéguez, director of operations, stressed that "at the national level, development strategies are updated for the year 2030, which includes industrializing recycling, through the acquisition of technological means, to enhance this task."

There are currently 15 product lines (non-ferrous metals, paper, cardboard, plastic and glass containers, textile packaging and waste, and electronic scrap) that allow the promotion of exports and productive linkages with local and national industries destined to the production of food, beverages, medicines, construction materials, and other goods that make it possible to meet the needs of the economy and reduce imports.