Covid-19: How to end the Never-Ending Story?

COVID-19 is similar to the Never-Ending story. Do you remember it? An endless story, capable of exasperating. In one year and three months, the Cuban nation has allocated more than 300 million dollars to the fight against the pandemic, whose repeated scourges accentuate the health crisis, triggering the exacerbation of economic and social problems.

 As a friend said, nothing is accidental, but causal. There are many reasons for repeated stumbling on the same “stone”, although four stand out for their connotation: the low perception of risk, the disregard for hygienic-sanitary protocols and restrictive measures, the low quality of the investigation and the late collection of suspicious contacts.

The second outbreak of the disease, nuanced by an evolution in the complexities of the virus (presence of new variants that affect high transmission and contagiousness), has exposed the insufficient rigor in the application of the laws in force, mainly the Decree Law 31/2021, aimed at curbing indiscipline and other behaviors that go beyond that term, which favors an environment of disorder and impunity.

I am not saying it, it is an express claim in the streets, neighborhoods and social networks, where people are alarmed at the progressive increase in the disease and social relaxation in cities such as Ciego de Ávila and Morón, where concentrations of people in public places and events have arisen in workplaces, reflecting protocol violations and the wasting of possibilities to promote teleworking and remote work.

The current context requires maintaining compliance with the measures in central areas, without neglecting what happens in peripheral areas and neighborhoods, where the movement of people without a face mask continues, the celebration of parties, the ingestion of alcoholic beverages and other reprehensible and inconsistent behaviors with the efforts being made in the country to contain the virus.

This ―clearly― is not an exclusive task of the internal order forces, the rest of the authorities, the political and mass organizations, and the primary health care services have responsibility too.

The intensification of the measures in the most visible places and the application of quarantines will not solve the complications while the internal border indiscipline continues, a consequence, also, of the lack of organization in public services, fundamentally the trade of basic necessities.

The distribution of shifts to access certain benefits and the approach of sales to popular councils are positive experiences that could be generalized to reduce the mobility of people and meet their demands in safer conditions.


It is essential to disinfect vehicles and carry out investigations (at least the temperature measurement) of those who enter quarantined cities, frequent practices during the first outbreak, however, later rejected. The control points should not only constitute a barrier to the passage, but the place where hygienic-sanitary measures are carried out that contribute to minimizing risks.

There are also repeated difficulties with carrying out the investigations that, according to Dr. Ángel Batista Díaz, provincial director of Health, must be more active and in-depth, with the cooperation of the people, in the province. It is not only about reaching high figures, but about achieving effectiveness in the detection of symptoms that allow providing timely medical assistance and reducing the spread of the virus.