Transportation is ready to fight Covid-19 in Ciego de Ávila

By using three minibuses in Ciego de Ávila in direct confrontation with the pandemic, equipped in record time to offer ambulance services, the country continues to create bases to combat SARS-CoV-2 more effectively in the territories most affected by it.

Originally conceived for tourist activity, these means go on to reinforce the park with the health sector in mind, which has suffered greatly in the province, as a consequence of the intense use and lack of spare parts, accessories, tires, batteries and supplies.

Along with this small but very timely "technical injection", private drivers have once again expressed their willingness to put their vehicles based on tasks and needs related to Covid-19 in the geography of Ciego de Ávila.

Luis Ladrón de Guevara Marsal, national director of transport and cargo company, recalled that it is not the first time that the great Cuban transport family responds like this, because “our private sector workers did the same after the hit of hurricanes such as Sandy and Irma, just to mention two examples;  during penetrations of the sea, landslides, floods, mobilizations and other moments in which their contribution has been needed ”.

In provinces such as Ciego de Ávila, together with almost thirty vehicles in the main city, around ten have been incorporated in Morón, a municipality also heavily hit by the virus.

While the new ambulances will offer specialized, emergency service, private transport assumes support tasks in polyclinics, isolation centers and other institutions, in the transfer of patients, sector personnel, food, merchandise and supplies.

At the reception of the three new ambulances, a propitious moment to also organize the program with private transporters, were present the Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella;  Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, Governor of Ciego de Ávila and Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez, First Secretary of the PCC and member of the Central Committee, who thanked this help and affirmed that it becomes an expression of the integration and unity that has always characterized the Cuban people and the Revolution.