Elizabeth's lessons

Teaching was not her true vocation, so after becoming a teacher she became a nurse, taking advantage of the possibilities that an emergent course offered her, and she fulfilled her desire to contribute to saving lives.

However, Elizabeth Díaz Martínez, with 18 years at the service of Public Health, most of them spent in the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández General Teaching Hospital, in the municipality of Morón, has not stopped giving lessons, because her performance constitutes a guide and reference.

Her dedication, patience and sensitivity are surprising, to the point that a double shift in the Acute Ward, now for patients confirmed with COVID-19, does not slow down the pace, the precision in the schedules of applying the drugs, or the effort to relieve pain caused by vein injections.

From my bed, I watched her many times while she applied Rocephin to Marilín (the patient next door), and when the antibiotic ran through the bloodstream and the young woman seemed not to support it, Elizabeth, with her other hand, caressed the upper arm of the sick woman, in an attempt to calm the agony. She seemed to feel the pain of others and, at times, she tried to calm them with her words.

A good nurse - she tells me- must be governed by principles such as humanism and responsibility towards work, to comply with everything related to patient care. She exceeds those limits, she is able to influence the psyche of patients suffering from depression and, in the worst case, even to share tears with the relatives of the deceased.

She has been there for more than a year, in the Red Zone, restoring hope to those who think it is lost, sharing the joys and sorrows caused by a virus that, on many occasions, causes deaths and leaves a void in multiple spaces. The atmosphere is very tense, she has thought many times to take a break and not return, but her conscience and the call of her family do not allow her to leave it.

"My husband and my children tell me that I am a good nurse and people need me there, to think that they may be the ones who remain on those beds, waiting for someone to save them."

Therefore, I discover that the credit is not only her and I confirm that in this battle everyone counts. Elizabeth is still overcoming the fatigue caused by more than a year of facing a pandemic that seems to have no end, taking the opportunity to develop her skills as a nurse, healing with medicines, gestures and words, returning optimism and energy, inspiring security and confidence. Thus, perhaps unknowingly, she has left an indelible mark on the fortunate ones who have remained under her care.