Deputy Prime Minister checks operation at Morón`s hospital

This Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca emphasized: "Faced with serious problems, major decisions are imposed to help solve them," during the check on measures to reorganize the confrontation with Covid-19 at the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández General Teaching Hospital from the municipality of Morón.

 In that institution, the shortage of medical personnel led to the adaptation of the work systems, in days of 24 hours by 48 hours of rest, which allow improving healthcare coverage. Likewise, the services were reinforced with 135 collaborators (75 nurses, 50 doctors and 10 laboratory workers).

Tapia Fonseca insisted on achieving the reinstatement of workers who do not provide service for different reasons, considering that 70% of the personnel currently working comes from other provinces and from Cuban medical brigades abroad.

This healthcare center has a staff of 2 094 workers, of which 176 doctors and 193 nurses are not integrated into its functions, for different reasons (medical collaborations, maternity leave, acceptance of the Social Security Law, medical certificates, licenses without pay and absences for unknown reasons).

In response to this situation, work teams were formed for prestigious professionals from the Morón`s Faculty of Medical Sciences, who from this Thursday visit the aforementioned workers to inquire about their situation and, if possible, persuade them to reintegrate.

The Roberto Rodríguez institution exhibits a different panorama as a result of the increase to 465 in hospital beds and the existence of 46 ventilation positions (28 with high performance). The admission capacities are distributed as follows: 73 for children (seven in intensive care), 78 for pregnant women and puerperal women, 54 for adult patients in intensive surveillance and another 255 for elderly convalescent of the disease.

135 beds are added in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the locality, for the assistance to children with low risk; and 36 in the care center located in the village of El Fortín (Los Quemados), designed for pregnant women with a gestation time of less than 26 weeks and low risk.

At the same time, the diagnosis and treatment protocol was updated, the flow of emergency care processes was reordered, through the creation of independent circuits with care areas for adults and children. Hygienic-sanitary and biosafety measures are reinforced in the face of the growing risk of institutional transmission and the indiscipline of workers, patients and companions; and managers, work teams and a group of experts were appointed to attend the processes in Covid-19 areas.

Next Monday, August 9, an Acute Respiratory Infections consultation is scheduled to begin to operate to attend to workers infected with the virus.Faced with the difficulties with medicinal gases, conditioned by the obsolescence of technology and the existence of a demand greater than the distribution capacity of the equipment, the Deputy Prime Minister urged the implementation of organizational measures to reduce consumption and avoid pressure drops that put at risk to patients: elimination of leaks, increased control of oxygen and equipment, adequate evaluation of patients who require this substance, and the positioning of balloons with regulators in the rooms.

Related to this matter, actions were also planned to correct the deficit of pressure gauges and regulators aimed at addressing moderate oxygen deficiencies.

The Minister of Public Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, underlined the effectiveness of the actions developed to reduce maternal mortality from SARS-CoV-2 and called on the hospital managers to support those results.

At another point in his speech, the head of MINSAP referred to the transfer of the x-ray equipment from the International Clinic of the Jardines del Rey tourist destination to the Morón`s hospital, with the aim of improving the flow of patients and the quality of services .

During the meeting, the progress in the recovery of the Surgical Specialties room, the difficulties with air conditioning equipment, the actions for the recovery of stretchers, beds, stools, tables, footstools and other furniture, and the availability of resources for the proper operation of the facility and the provision of a decent service.

In order to resolve the difficulties with sanitation, caused by the shortage of cleaning personnel, Tapia Fonseca indicated support with the service workers of the local dependencies, a measure that also responds to the need to develop a greater sense of belonging because, “the hospital is of the town, including the cadres of this municipality ”, he highlighted.

Lieutenant Colonel Yoel Alberto Fleites Alonso, head of the support brigade of the Medical Services of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, reported on the receipt of syringes and means of protection (facemsks and protective glasses) for doctors and nurses. He also assured that "there are no major problems with the availability of drugs."