Love suitcases for sick children in Ciego de Ávila

Perhaps there has never been so much human feeling, in the form of love, gravitating over the Hotel Ciego de Ávila.

The facility, converted into a hospital for the care of COVID-19 sick children, from one to 18 years old, becomes the apex of gestures such as the one carried out this Friday, August 13, by representatives of Cáritas (an institution of the Catholic Church), who attended there for the noble purpose of making a donation.

Liliana Acosta Gutiérrez - from the program conceived by that religious congregation for the care of the elderly - transmitted a message of encouragement and hope that in all cases have a rapid recovery by delivering 50 kilograms of powdered milk, with a view to the breakfast of the admitted girls and boys.

In dialogue with Invasor, he explained that it is not the first or the only donation made so far, because Caritas agents have delivered modules with food and cleaning products previously to sick or needy people in areas of Bolivia, Morón, Chambas and Ciro Redondo.

Dr. Ereida Cabrera Arias, director of the hospital conditioned in the hotel, thanked workers, patients and families for this gesture, also praised by Rudy Morgado Ramírez, manager of the facility.

Coincidentally, members of the Gaviota group also arrived at the hotel lobby, with a suitcase containing children's clothing, personal hygiene items, food and toys, collected by workers from the tourism sector in the territory.

They had made a similar contribution in Morón some years ago with the determination to "give heart to Cuba", a donation extended to the house that the provincial capital has for the care of children without family protection.

With the capacity to assimilate 240 patients, today the pediatric hospital located within the Hotel Ciego de Ávila cares for 160 girls and boys, with the corresponding family support, from different parts of the province.

"Until now, we have not had any problem with the supplies and insurances necessary to be able to offer them the quality service that our country has always wanted for them," Dr. Ereida Cabrera said in a cordial dialogue with the press.