A song to wake up from lethargy (II Part and Final) (+ Photos)

Rigid and vigorous, the Rooster wants to sing again to a town that also seems dull and needs to regain its strength to save its children. Enthroned on his hill, it wishes to shake Morón, in a call to integrate community factors as a viable option to meet the goals that will allow to overcome the pandemic.

Then a charismatic and entrepreneur leader arrives ―if this is not redundant―, palpates the feelings of the people and with his attitude, he restores their confidence and inspiration during the talk in a park, the meeting in the factory, the frank and open dialogue in the places where the worries beat. His speech feels close, conveys security and the audience expresses itself with the voracity of those who need to be heard and the hope of finding solutions to their concerns. Anxiety is discovered, but also desires to do and contribute to get out of a crisis that reveals all the shortcomings, even the spiritual ones.

In the exchange, a call to avoid agglomerations in public places transcends, but formulas are also proposed to achieve it, such as courier services for warehouses and pharmacies, the distribution of bank hours (in the mornings they will attend to citizens and in the afternoons to the companies). The measures, accompanied by actions that guarantee compliance, could lead to a change in the epidemiological situation in the next 20 days.

The transformation of the panorama will also require an increase in the population's perception of risk and family responsibility, the latter term that translates into not hiding the symptoms or refusing to receive medical assistance in the hospital or isolation centers. Hospitalization of the sick people will minimize the risks of disease transmission in the communities.

COVID-19 is another fight that is won on the community, through the activation of integrated community work systems, the perennial search for strategies to add the inhabitants to the tasks that are carried out for the collective benefit. It is about committing the bricklayers of the neighborhood to the repair of the family medical office (CMF) where he, his family and the neighbors will be treated.

"We have verified that there are many people with the capacity and willingness to help," Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca said. When talking about the CMFs, the leader called for dignity, through the organization of a recovery program and the efficient use of the local budget. There are various ways to enhance the image of the Cuban health system, from the proper use of clothing for doctors and nurses, to sensitivity in their performance.

Thus, the wise leader and with the qualities of a master in management techniques, tries not to miss any details about the ailments of a people. He criticizes sharply and makes the local authorities responsible for the existing difficulties. In this context, Tapia Fonseca indicates to deploy social programs that, along with the confrontation with COVID-19, allow solving deficiencies related to communal hygiene and the poor condition of the roads.

“This can be achieved with creativity, political leadership, mobilization and momentum of the community. There are many good people here. Morón can, I say it with affection towards this town, with the conviction that great crises can generate great solutions”, he emphasized. Words motivate and engage. There is no time to lose. Morón`s Rooster has to sing again.