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    Security is reinforced in Morón hospital

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    Refuerzan seguridad en hospital de Morón

    The reinforcement of the security and protection work at the Roberto Rodríguez General Teaching Hospital, in the municipality of Morón, intended for suspected and confirmed patients with COVID-19, makes it possible to reduce unnecessary access in the midst of a complex epidemiological situation, and to confront harmful behaviors with economic and social impact.

    Guillermo Alfaro Rodríguez, director of the Security and Protection Agency (SEPROC by its Spanish initials) in the territory, alluded to the strengthening of the six positions with the highest flow of people (workers, patients and companions) as a fundamental strategy to control improper entries and counteract the theft of goods.

    In this way, he specified, greater confrontation is achieved with the embezzlement of resources for intra-hospital use (gloves, dressings, swabs, medications, cleaning and disinfection products, food and means of protection), events that have an impact on finances and quality in patient care.

    Alfaro Rodríguez specified that, in the aforementioned assistance center, more than 100 SEPROC workers are currently serving, mostly agents, a structure that favors the control environment demanded by the Ministry of Public Health and, recently, by the vice-first Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca.

    Before starting the daily service, the workers receive a preparation on the operation of the field hospital: access regulations, rules for the transfer of medicines, procedures for the inspection of belongings and measures to avoid contagion with the SARS-CoV virus -2.

    Refuerzan seguridad en hospital de Morón

    With limitations, as a consequence of contagions with COVID-19, SEPROC adopted as an alternative the temporary closure of daytime services in entities under its custody, prior coordination with clients, to prioritize hospital security; meanwhile, it maintains the recruitment of personnel with the aim of restoring all of its benefits.

    SEPROC agents also guard the isolation centers located in the Medical Sciences branch and the Morón Pedagogical School, places where they guarantee the protection of state assets and compliance with biosafety measures, in close coordination with the administrations and the police forces.