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    Mobility is reduced in the municipality of Ciro Redondo

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    Reducen la movilidad en el municipio de Ciro Redondo

    15 days ago, the closure of the municipality of Ciro Redondo allowed to reduce mobility, both of people and transport, and with this decrease the incidence rate of positive cases to COVID-19 in this territory, located in the center of the province of Ciego of Ávila.

    "This Thursday, we have achieved containment of the disease in several communities, such as El Manguito, which reported a single case of a high infestation rate” Bárbara Guerra Pérez, first secretary of the Party in Ciro Redondo, said in statements to Ciego de Ávila`s Television.

    The party leader highlighted the coordinated work of community work groups, with the participation of district delegates, mass organizations and administrative executives, and thanked the donations of farmers, entities and the population to the four patient care centers.

    Dr. Marlen Curbelo, municipal director of Health Institution, specified that three of these centers are low risk and one moderate jeopardy. Three of them are for adults, with 202 beds available, and one is for pediatric cases from three to 13 years of age, with 21 beds, in which infants who do not present comorbidities are admitted.

    The leader recalled that last August was the month with the highest number of positive cases, reporting a total of 1 863, especially in the first fortnight; while in the last two days they have had 32.

    She emphasized that these institutions have the medical staff and the medicines they need, and that patients with complications are taken to provincial centers through the coordinating table.

    The municipal director of Health also indicated that they have 681 active cases, with a higher incidence of the urban popular councils.

    Until Thursday, 12,879 people had been vaccinated with the second dose of Abdala, 91 percent of what was expected, and this Friday the immunization of 18-year-old adolescents begins.

    Yolkys Navarro Pérez, mayor of Ciro Redondo, reported that to reduce mobility they worked to guarantee the courier service to the population, especially for the purchase of the basic needs in the groceries stores, in which they have been supported by 26 carriage drivers and 15 pedicabbers.

    Navarro Pérez pointed out that daily in the Temporary Working Group complaints from the population are analyzed, including sales of basic necessities, to solve problems that arise.

    Marcia Rodríguez Milián, president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, stressed that, as part of the attention to health personnel, they are prioritized when receiving food and toilet modules, and that lunch is guaranteed to the doctors and nurses from the 31 clinics.