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    Epidemiological reiteration

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    Reiteración epidemiológica

    If some confirmation was needed to understand that the pandemic is happening here, barley in the "severe circumstance of irresponsibility everywhere", it is enough to investigate problems in six municipalities Ciego de Ávila.

    Almost all of them will point to risky behaviors and late or failed responses. In addition, almost all will end, invariably, in the current situation, still serious and now with the fear that some of their numbers are mirages.

    Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca said it in Ciro Redondo, although it serves to Florencia, Ciego de Ávila, Chambas, Venezuela and Morón (the six municipalities that were evaluated in this weekly round). "People have to assume their responsibility towards life and society, with the consequences that this involves, and it cannot happen that they go to the polyclinic when their health deteriorates, since it could be avoided with a timely hospitalization."

    The paradox reaches the implausible because before the complaints spoke of the impossibility of isolation, and now it is the people who do not want to enter, having capacity. In this sense, Jorge Luis Broche Lorenzo, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, would highlight in Florencia that the idea cannot be to enter to have a PCR, but to enter so as not to continue infecting the family and the community.

    It seems the same, but it is not, and some territories fall into that resemblance. In Ciro Redondo, for example, as a result of its 85 cases in one day, around 100 PCRs were carried out, when in fact about 600 should have been applied, taking into account that each confirmed person generates an average of seven contacts. Moreover, the same situation happened in Florencia, with a week of more than 340 positive cases, and between eight and 10 contacts per confirmed patients. Chambas, for its part, recorded the highest incidence in August and its authorities also admitted that they did not isolate people with symptoms in a timely manner.

    Result: the refusal of many has put into question the real value of the daily-confirmed patients in the province, although the failures in the epidemiological surveys and the irregularity of the investigation have added problems to the matter in almost all the territory. Unusual, above all, because 16 months of "exercise" have already passed.

    However, "fatigue" has done its thing and, in addition to the reinforcements from other provinces, our personnel are exhausted and not always well cared for. It still stands out in a meeting in Morón, as it was the case, that leaves and pencils are missing. Those 22 solar heaters have been in a warehouse for five years without being installed in the hospital or that after several years the cistern has not yet been connected to the water supply system, which creates difficulties every time the public service is affected.

    At the same time, the comprehensive visit to various municipalities - in which Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez, member of the Party's Central Committee and first secretary in the province, and Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, governor, participated at the same level - agreed that the mobility is high and not even the messengers or the sale of products in the communities have managed to reduce it to the desired levels. In addition, as worrying as that is the lack of integration of social factors, when today more than 90 percent of the clinics have a doctor and a nurse, and therefore lack community support, not only to improve working conditions but also to work more effectively in the community.

    A chair, a table, a lunch ... there are several details that could make a difference in the working conditions in the doctor's offices, but, above all - they warned - it is about the factors that support the fulfillment of the measures, since self-care is ignored in homes. Sometimes it is enough to wear a facemask inside, not kiss our children, eat alone at the table, keep the house ventilated...

    Hence, stopping the contagion continues to be, in the first place, an individual responsibility, although later the government and Public Health structures bear the weight of a pandemic that continues to show the same weaknesses in the confrontation. However, during the tour for the territories, it was also made clear that this moment (away from the crisis) seems to be an opportunity to return to normal parameters of the pandemic.