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    Ciego de Ávila`s students are immunized against COVID-19

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    Inmunizan a estudiantes avileños contra la COVID-19

    More than 3,800 Ciego de Ávila`s students will be immunized as part of the vaccination strategy for pediatric patients, which prioritizes, in a first stage, learners of terminal years of Higher Middle and Technical-Professional education.

    The Provincial Directorate of Health (DPS) specified that this first group includes twelfth-grade and conclusive students in pedagogical colleges, the Camilo Cienfuegos Military School, and sports and technical-professional education institutions, who will receive the Abdala vaccine for a month (until next October 3).

    Health authorities detailed that the second segment, aged between 11 and 18 years, considered the most complex, will be inoculated with the immunogenic medication, in the period between September 8 and November 5 of the current year.

    From September 15 to November 13, the pediatric population between the ages of two and 10 will receive two doses of Soberana 02 and a booster dose with Soberana Plus, following the same schedule as adults, on days 1, 28 and 56, as the referred strategy described.

    According to scientific recommendations, convalescents from COVID-19 will only receive one dose of Soberana Plus to amplify the active natural immunity obtained after suffering from the disease.Some 58 vaccination centers will be open in the ten municipalities of Ciego de Ávila to carry out the vaccination of pediatric patients, as a sign of the political will to immunize the Cuban population against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which currently shows its greater complexity in the province and the country.

    Taking into account information from the Granma newspaper, at the end of November 92.6 percent of the Cuban population will have the three doses of immunization, including girls, boys and adolescents aged between two and 18 years, eleven months and 30 days. It means the vaccination of more than five million people as of September.

    The Official Organ of the Central Committee of the Party recently published that the vaccination process has already been intervened in 87 municipalities (51.7 percent of the total), the inoculation scheme has been concluded in 27 (30, 5 percent), and in the last week of August the process began in another 31 territories.