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    Ciego de Ávila: Essences

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    Ciego de Ávila: Esencias

    Taking into account my urgency, Ilexi, was not satisfied with providing insulin and looked for a way to get it from Ciego de Ávila to Morón. Although I did not request them, he regretted forgetting to send me syringes: “Tell me if you don't have, my cousin come these days, and I have glyburide in case you need it. Don't be ashamed”, she expresses with a kindness and sweetness that are revealed through Messenger.

    I do not know who she is or most of the people who promptly and kindly responded to a “cry of despair” on my Facebook profile. In the face of the rush to get simple insulin for my mother, who is an insulin-dependent diabetic woman and lacked that drug due to the shortage in the pharmacy network.

    In less than two hours, my concern was diluted between messages from acquaintances and strangers who could donate the medicine. Olga Lidia, a resident of Havana, appeared in my chat and managed to send me some bulbs; meanwhile, Maidelyn offered another one and sent a photo to make sure it was correct.

    Sulema, from Majagua, also found a solution to shorten the distance and deliver medicine. Yaquelin, a former work colleague, communicates with me again and joins in the help. My friends Idalmis, Ivis and Zisy tell me not to worry because they have something to share and Lourdes and Elaine also write, the latter on behalf of the aid group El corazón de Morón.

    Ciego de Ávila: Esencias

    Osiel does not have insulin but offers syringes and I shy away from accepting them because "it is unfair to do it when perhaps other people need them", to which he responds: "if you find out about someone that need them, tell me."

    During a night on duty in the Intensive Care Unit of the Ciego de Ávila hospital, Dr. Lieday is busy writing to me because she has a little, "the bulb is not full but it can help." It is appreciated as if it received a batch from the BioCubaFarma factories. Likewise, I welcome the donation from my colleague Marielvis.

    Thus I find the solution to a problem and the confirmation that solidarity and humanism are not extinct in circumstances in which the illegal sale of medicines has become a widespread practice in the heat of productive shortages and growing needs caused by a pandemic.

    The networks are contaminated with messages that promote medicines at exorbitant prices and "it is sad to see how the desperation of others is abused", according to Lieday. However, they are not lacking, nor they are they a minority in cyberspace, who return their breath and show altruism by giving selflessly.

    "Fortunately, the‛ storm "did not ruin everything," the doctor said, convinced that cruelty has not taken over everyone and those who extend their hand and consider that "serving is necessary" predominate.

    I confirm. The next day, after a tour of the City of the Rooster, I find myself with several insulin bulbs, even the ones I needed the least, and even syringes! Thanks were enough to reward goodwill.

    I reflect on my reality: I live in Cuba, "the country of deficiencies", as some prefer to call it who do not value the greatest and authentic riches of this nation, that of its people, which is unparalleled, because it lacks a lot, but it does not lack the essential and distinctive.