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    La Clementina Community will finally have its aqueduct

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    Comunidad La Clementina, al fin tendrá su acueducto

    The oldest people in La Clementina say “more than 20 years ago” and they know that this has been a long time waiting for the water to finally lead to the town. For this reason, although some leaders now speak of concluding the work on November 11th and others say 30th, for most of them 20 days "are nothing" because they have been "pulling water" from a neighbor's well for decades.

    Once, more than 20 years ago, they believed that they would stop doing it because a well was dug, they threw a pipe down the main street, and they put the tank elevated... It seemed that it was serious until they took the tank and it ended in disrespect: they concluded the work, the oldest men also count.

    Today, of the 1 213 homes registered there, few have a pump or curb well, and fewer turbine that are easily taken to a tank; a privilege that has been disappearing with frequent robberies. "It is rare the week that a turbine is not taken here," Secundino Ruiz, delegate of one of the two districts of La Clementina, confesses and even for that reason he believes that the aqueduct will bring a bit of calm to the town.

    However, that calm did not reign this Tuesday; while a Hydraulic Resources brigade was placing the plastic pipe in one of the ditches that were opened to the embankment; several residents revived old fears and doubted a service that, as they longed for, seems to be a goodness, more than a necessity.

    Loredis Arias, a delegate from the other constituency, finished it off, “we are used to having work,” she said and, instantly, contradicted herself while recounting the despair of the more than 4,000 inhabitants of La Clementina. “They were anxious because they see that the hose is thrown aside and they wondered why there first, as if everything could be done at the same time. Only now, we do have a date and November is expected to be final”.

    The provincial delegate for Hydraulic Resources, Hiorvanys Espinosa Pérez, confirms this: “it will be November, we have all the resources and strength. We will even put water-meter machines, this will be the first community that has this service”.

    Aware of this and other details was Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Communist Party, who came to La Clementina to check the progress of agreements, adopted in a previous visit. "The idea is to solve accumulated problems and involve all the actors," he stressed during the tour.