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    Conditions for high tourist season in Jardines del Rey are checked

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    Chequean condiciones para temporada de alta turística en Jardines del Rey

    The insurance entities of the high tourist season in Jardines del Rey work, intensively, in the creation of conditions that guarantee the enjoyment of customers in the hotel and non-hotel facilities of the second most important sun and beach destination in the country, located north of the province of Ciego de Ávila.

    María del Carmen Concepción González, president of the Commission for Attention to Services of the National Assembly of Power (ANPP), corroborated the establishment of contracts with state entities and private producers, in order to maintain stability in supplies that allow quality and variety in the offerings of food, beverages and other supplies.

    The rhythm of actions to solve difficulties with the air conditioning equipment, the fumigation against insects and the transfer of workers to the hotel and non-hotel facilities, will also position that tourist destination in conditions to face the coming high tourist season, the representative of the ANPP said.

    Concepción González and the team of deputies that accompanied her evaluated as strength the availability of qualified human resources to offer a service according to the demands of the clients and the category of the establishments located in Jardines del Rey.

    During the parliamentary visit, the efforts to open new premises for the exchange and deposit of coins, as well as the extraction of money corresponding to the workers' salary, were appreciated; to which is added the effort to expand the offers in the pharmacy network of that demarcation.

    At the international airport of that tourist destination, they ratified the reliability of the human and material resources destined to guarantee security in the operations of entry and exit to the country, which represents a strength to face the COVID-19 pandemic, criminal acts or other violations that may occur at the air border.