Conditions of Ciego de Ávila`s university are evaluated to assume the restart of the school year

A detailed analysis of the preventive measures that are implemented at the Máximo Gómez Báez de Ciego de Ávila University with a view to restart the school year focused on the exchange of teachers and students with the Doctor of Science Martha del Carmen Mesa Valenciano, President of the Commission of Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Environment of the National Assembly of People's Power.

The effective confrontation and control of the current pandemic will continue to be a constant in the house of high studies, its Rector Yurisbel Gallardo Ballat, who warned that their student residences still function as Covid-19 hospitals, ratified.

The debate led to the objective evaluation of the material and human conditions to properly organize the presence in teaching and guarantee the biosecurity of the student body and its faculty. With the restart of the school year in undergraduate and graduate studies, the Ciego de Ávila`s university will have to prioritize more than 740 students about to graduate, including those from the regular day course.