New INVASOR head office

Simultaneously on the calendar the celebrations for the Day of Cuban Culture with the inauguration of a new head office for the newspaper Invasor has been a happy coincidence to combine anecdotes and joys on October 20, when at last the commitment of years materialized with a comfortable and central building.

It has been a long journey of timely permits to get here, construction work, functional designs to take advantage of the space and setting proposals, against the grain of the availability of resources.

Nevertheless, the truth is that reality exceeded expectations and we not only opened a new place with comfort, but also won points in the desire to achieve a better content management model, which advocates closeness to the public agenda, to improve the integrated writing and rethinking the dynamics used in institutional social networks.

Roberto Carlos Delgado Burgos, director of the center, expressed his gratitude to the entities and institutions involved in the process, as well as the advantages of the location of the head office in one of the busiest arteries of the capital city to maintain dialogue with readers, feedback and giving use value to the protected items in the archive.

The framework was also conducive for Ángel Cabrera Sánchez, historian of the city, to recall the role of the revolutionary press in a context as difficult as the one experienced in recent months and to praise the pages made by Invasor that have deserved national recognition in voice of prestigious colleagues.

Reunited to the lilting rhythm of the clarinet by Lauren Rodríguez Castañeda and with the histrionics of the boys from Polichinela, the awards of the July 26 National Journalism Contest were officially given, which had record awards for journalists from this central province this year.

Sayli Sosa Barceló, Katia Siberia García, Amanda Tamayo Rodriguez, Ailén Castilla Padrón, Yaudel Estenoz Bienes and Luis Raúl Vázquez Muñoz were honored.Since its inauguration on July 26, 1979 to date, the Invasor newspaper has had three locations. The one we enjoy today, hopefully the last one if it is the best, it is located at Libertad Street No. 159, between Simón Reyes and José María Agramonte.