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    Recycling guarantees availability of raw materials for national productions

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    Reciclaje garantiza disponibilidad de materias primas para producciones nacionales

    The Recovery Business Group, close to turn 60, promotes new ways to collect raw materials, such as clean points ―places where resources are deposited in a classified manner―, located in schools, hotel and non-hotel facilities, and other spaces with influx of public.

    María de los Ángeles Zulueta Avellé, Communication Manager of the Raw Materials Recovery Company of the province of Ciego de Ávila, alluded to positive experiences such as mobile shopping, facilitated by the acquisition of electric tricycles that allow access to communities distant from the collection areas.

    Likewise, he said, working relationships with mass organizations are strengthened to stimulate collection in neighborhoods, where they carry out promotional activities such as CD-ROM festivals; meanwhile, when restarting the school year, in a massive way, the work with the circles of interest and the pioneer movement "Recuperadores del Futuro" will be promoted.

    The recycling activity in the territory contributes to the substitution of imports, the increase in exports and the vitality of strategic sectors of the national economy, in a context marked by a financial crisis, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the tightening of the US blockade against Cuba.

    With a diversity of collection lines, the ERMP strengthens production chains with entities in the province and the country, mainly linked to housing construction, telecommunications, tourism, industrial, medicine and food production.

    More than 221 tons of paper and cardboard were destined to industries related to the manufacture of trays for eggs, envelopes of expendable resources, equipment and implements used in Public Health institutions. Moreover, packaging for trading products, didactic materials, blank papers, and in productions of Communal Services, the engineer Tomás Camejo López, director of the Business Unit of Processes and Sales Base of the ERMP, highlighted.

    Reciclaje garantiza disponibilidad de materias primas para producciones nacionales

    The recirculation of glass vessels ensures food and medicine production, as well as the availability of glass fibers for La Lisa Glass Company, located in the Cuban capital, where they manufacture bottles for medicines, containers for soft drinks, rums and beers; tableware, ornamental items, light bulbs, curved vehicle windshields and other products.

    The increase in tourist operations in the Jardines del Rey destination, starting next November 15, should favor the collection of glass containers, fundamentally bottles, considering that this is the main source for obtaining glass in the province, Camejo López alleged.

    He stressed that the recirculation of products acquires greater relevance by reducing the inflow of resources to the country, as a consequence of a multidimensional crisis, and the lack of raw materials for the production of goods and services destined for the domestic and international markets.

    Reciclaje garantiza disponibilidad de materias primas para producciones nacionales

    Although the recycling activity maintains a lower behavior than previous years ―due to the decrease in commercial circulation due to the economic and health crises, accentuated by the Blockade―, the collection levels ensure the financial health of the company and the availability of raw materials for the operation of several companies in the territory and the country, he emphasized.

    The recovery of metals such as bronze, copper, stainless steel and aluminum, with high demand and high prices globally, generated revenues of more than 36 million pesos from exports; in the meantime, it favored and decreased the cost of investments in vital sectors such as Construction, Tourism and Communications, he added.

    In addition, the recovery of bags destined for the Logistics Business Group of the Ministry of Agriculture (GELMA) is guaranteed, with the aim of facilitating the collection of agricultural products in this and other provinces.