Raw Materials Recovery Company executes social impact tasks

This November 7, next to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Recycling Business Group (GER), the Raw Materials Recovery Company (ERMP) of Ciego de Ávila, deserving of the status of Outstanding in the country, ratified the commitment to contribute with the social development programs promoted in the province.

María de los Ángeles Zulueta Avellé, Communication Manager of the ERMP, highlighted the insertion in integrated community work and impact tasks, such as the repair of two offices of the family doctor and nurse, which ensured the improvement of conditions and the quality of primary health care in the Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones popular council, of the capital city.

In that demarcation, cleaning days are also incorporated, the renovation of an educational center will be assumed for the benefit of community students, including children of ERMP workers; and the construction of a park that favors healthy recreation is planned, she added.

As part of the integrated community work, bonds with political and mass organizations are strengthened to consolidate recycling activity, through the holding of festivals and educational work aimed at guiding and raising awareness among the population on the importance of recycling to support the economy and reduce environmental pollution, Zulueta Avellé explained.

It is planned, she said, the preparation and distribution of advertising material that help to increase the culture of recycling, both in adults and infants, with the interest of promoting behaviors more consistent with the needs of the company and the national economy, also favoring the conservation of the environment by avoiding the dumping of reusable products.

In greeting to the 60th anniversary of the GER, pioneer festivals take place and, within the entity, they carried out an allegorical planting of trees to date, days of voluntary and productive work, meetings with retired people, placement of advertisements allusive to the celebration and political events- to recognize the most outstanding units and workers, the Communication manager detailed.

Rodolfo Veloz Tur, Director of Development and Investments, stressed that this entity supported, with forces and means of transportation, the transfer of medicinal oxygen from the eastern part of the country to Public Health institutions, when the factory of this vital resource broke and increase the demands in the territory due to the high levels of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This resource was also moved to the province of Camagüey and, since July, the immunization campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been supported, by assigning two vehicles that guarantee the mobility of related medical personnel to that task, he added.

The ERMP also joins the defense and support of the Socialist Revolution from different scenarios, with the aim of combating misinformation, false news and enemy campaigns that seek to create a climate of insecurity and promote social disorder.