Ordering Task brings benefits to recycling company

The renewal of monetary and exchange policy in the country benefited the Ciego de Ávila Raw Materials Recovery Company, by conceiving an exchange rate that stimulates export earnings.

Tomás Camejo López, director of the ERMP's Base Processes and Sales Business Unit, stressed that shipments abroad, mainly of non-ferrous metals (bronze, copper, stainless steel and aluminum) reported profits of more than 36 million pesos in the course of the year 2021.

He explained that the reclassification is being deepened to increase the value of sales between 10 and 15 percent, with the aim of obtaining higher dividends and contributing to the improvement of the financial health of the entity.

In addition, the income from international shipments of electronic scrap (plates of industrial equipment, electrical appliances and computer science) is met, he added.

Thanks to the ingenuity of its workers, the ERMP has an artisanal machine that allows the use of textile waste for the manufacture of wadding, a product previously priced at 266 pesos per ton and now sold for a value of 13 000 pesos.

In this context, the workers feel motivated to increase these productions; therefore, they establish contracts for textile manufacturing workshops, hotel facilities and accommodation and educational centers, in order to take advantage of scraps and pieces of disused fabric.

Looking to the future, they plan to adopt strategies from developed countries to achieve primary manufacturing with this raw material, initially pillows and cushions, Camejo López said.

In conjunction with a private producer in the province of Camagüey, it is also intended to venture, from the production of fiberglass, into the manufacture of crystal glasses, a product with high demand in state entities and the population.

Eloy Segovia López, accounting-financial director of the ERMP of the territory of Ciego de Ávila, highlighted that the prices assumed when the Ordering Task was implemented maintain sales levels that report higher income, in national and freely convertible currencies.

These aspects position the entity in favorable economic conditions to make investments in order to increase the recovery and shorten the collection cycles in the 12 buying houses in the province, as well as in state and private entities, he explained.

The ampliroll containers favor the collection and transfer of recycled products, while electric tricycles allow access to distant communities and the reusing and transference of materials such as cardboard, with high demand in the nation and valued in the international market at prices that vary between 300 and 400 dollars a ton, he argued.

The Economic Deputy Director of the ERMP in the territory underlined that despite the multidimensional crisis; profits exceed 17 million pesos and achieve a positive impact on the remuneration of workers, who receive an additional payment, with quarterly frequency, such as fair recognition of their effort.

Manuel Rieche González, general director of the ERMP of the region, alleged that the success in the implementation of the Ordering Task is due, to a great extent, to the adequate readjustment of the sale prices.

This process considered as premises the establishment of a balance with the international market, the need to promote productive chains, competitiveness at the national and foreign levels, and the financial health of the company, he confirmed.

The search for a balance was essential to favor economic indicators and set prices consistent with the companies in chain, so that the increase did not revert to excessive costs of final productions for the customer, the manager affirmed.

He stated that the entity has no debts with anyone; it is bought, weighed and paid at the moment, although there is the option of remunerating by checks.

The ERMP of Ciego de Ávila works around 15 product lines that allow promoting exports and reducing imports by satisfying the demands of local and national industries destined to the production of food, beverages, medicines and construction materials, in a fundamental way.