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    Agro-ecological practices of the AGRECOCARIBE project are evaluated in Ciego de Ávila

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    Representatives of the AGRECOCARIBE International Project financed by the French Embassy in Cuba are evaluating in Ciego de Ávila the results and impacts of the efficient use of beneficial indigenous microorganisms.

    Such agro-ecological practice favors not only the environment and agricultural health, but also guarantees the sustainability of food sovereignty from local development.

    The Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Paula Fernandes, from the French Agricultural Research and Development Center (CIRAD), heads the delegation that is also made up of Cuban counterparts from the Indio Hatuey Experimental Station and the University of Guantánamo.

    In addition to the theoretical workshops, the evaluation of the AGRECOCARIBE Project in Ciego de Ávila includes the exchange of experiences and knowledge with farmers from productive bases and school farms during this weekend.