Final stretch for preparation of the popular consultation of the Family Code

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Recta final para preparación de la consulta popular del Código de las Familias

Ciego de Ávila entered this week in the final stretch of the preparation process prior to the popular consultation and referendum of the Family Code Project, with the training of the electoral authorities and the material assurance of the democratic exercise.

Osvaldo Álvarez Díaz, president of the Provincial Electoral Council, explained that the province is getting ready to carry out the consultation between the next February 1st. and April 30, in compliance with the eleventh provision of the Constitution of the Republic. It established a period of two years to initiate the popular consultation and referendum of the Draft Code, but it was delayed due to the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic.

To reach this moment, it has been necessary to design a computer system for processing the information, the participation of jurists and law students who will form specialist duos has been defined, the municipal and constituency electoral authorities have been trained, and the budget was planned, by virtue of supporting the expenses incurred.

Training continues for Electoral authorities, Jurists and members of the processing groups of the...

In total, the province will hold 3,177 meetings in the same number of meeting points, where the people will be able to express their adherence to the text of the regulations, raise questions and propose modifications (add, change and delete). Marleny Báez Valdivia, vice president of the Provincial Electoral Council, emphasized that the meetings will not be for debate, although when in doubt, the specialists can offer clarifications.

The official, illustrating at what level of organization they are working, said that the collection and primary processing of the records, once the consultation begins, required an inventory of the availability of computers and USB storage devices in the community where meetings will be held. “In addition, an agreement was reached with the Joven Club to have computer equipment in the municipal and provincial processing groups. Everything is ready so that there are no failures in the flow of information from the constituencies to the National Electoral Council”.

As established, all meetings will begin at 8:00 at night and a minimum attendance of 150 voters is expected (who will receive the call to participate, in writing, 72 hours in advance). If the schedule is met without setbacks, an average of 10 consultations will be held daily, although the territories of Ciego de Ávila, Morón and Chambas will exceed that figure in several days.

The design of the process mandates that the proposals be in a personal capacity, although if a citizen cannot attend, they have the right to send it, in writing, attaching their name, surnames and signature. Only persons limited by law may not issue opinions.

Regarding the participation of the jurists in their own training and that of the electoral authorities in the popular councils, Edelso Pérez Fleitas, president of the Union of Jurists in Ciego de Ávila, told Invasor that from the previous week until Monday, meetings were held with this purpose in each municipality.

Before, debates had taken place in workplaces, schools, institutions and communities; appearances in radio and television spaces; and analysis and socialization of scientific papers on topics included in the Project.

With the training meetings in Ciro Redondo and Venezuela, we are advancing to the final stage of preparation of the...

Pérez Fleitas commented that just over 400 professionals from the union would form duos to accompany the popular consultation process, which will be protagonists in conducting the meeting and clarifying possible doubts.

The consultation presupposes that the population has had time to study the project, but the tabloids will arrive in the province next weekend, Marleny Báez said, who urged them to look for them promptly and arrive at the meeting with an informed opinion. She recalled that the Draft Code is published on various national websites.

This Tuesday, it transpired in a press conference that the National Electoral Council indicated, on January 27 and 28, a dynamic test with the participation of constituency electoral commissions, previously selected in the municipalities, in order to verify the effectiveness of the process.