What will the popular consultation of the Family Code be like?

The popular consultation of the Family Code, close to be developed, from February 1st. to April 30, has been preceded by an extensive preparation that must guarantee the efficiency and transparency of this process.

Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez, president of the National Electoral Council (CEN), informed that this body is in charge of organizing, directing and supervising the consultation and, in correspondence with it; indications were issued on the functions and way of acting of the electoral authorities, the auxiliary information processing groups and the jurists, who receive training from December to January 31.

She added that, until February 10th of this month, more than 78,000 meeting points had been created throughout the territory, at the rate of 150 average voters for each one, a figure that responds to strict compliance with the measures against the pandemic.

She recalled that, once the popular referendum was called, the 12,513 constituency electoral commissions, 109 special ones, those of the FAR and the Minrex were constituted. The CEN made the decision to hold consultation meetings in embassies and consular offices abroad, which will take place in March.

On February 27th and 28th of this month, a dynamic test will be carried out with the participation of the constituency electoral commissions, selected in each municipality, which will allow evaluating the effectiveness of the training as well as resolving any situation.

In the organization of the popular consultation, estimated the President of the CEN, more than 900,000 people should participate, which reflects the magnitude of the process.

She specified that, together with the Union of Jurists of Cuba and institutions of the legal sector, the training of the 15,616 jurists who will participate in the process is carried out, of which 1,606 are students.

For the consultation meetings, the electoral register delivers to that body the information contained in the zones, CDR and voters by constituency, she argued. In that sense, they have updated us of 22,435 arrivals at the age of 16, that is, in the condition of voters, she said.

She stressed that the constituency electoral commissions direct, together with the selected jurists, the consultation meetings, and, with the support of the mass organizations, guarantee that each voter receives the call to participate at the meeting point.

For the collection of proposals at each meeting point, the categories of modification, addition, elimination and doubts are maintained, and those of favorable and others have been included, she clarified, and detailed that voters may submit their opinions in writing or expose them, as well as they can use the apk developed for such purposes. They will also be able to review their proposals if they consider it so.

However, the premise is to collect the proposal of each voter as it is projected, she assured, since the commission does not have the power to make any changes.

She warned that the consultation meeting will not disagree, only all the information that the voters provide us will be collected, to later process all the interests. To guarantee this transparency and control in the development of the process, there will be 1,428 supervisors and 27,891 collaborators throughout the country.

She announced that the drafting commission plans to publish more than a million copies for the population, and that the reproduction of the tabloids of the Code that is submitted for consultation, for the electoral and legal authorities, is in process.