Transformation actions evaluated at Limones Palmero (+Photos)

As part of the transformation actions carried out in Limones Palmero, a community located in the south of the municipality of Majagua, the 20 kilometers of railways that connect it with the town of Orlando González were covered.

The delegation headed by the member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Ciego Ávila, Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez, and the governor, Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, was attended by directors and specialists from the Cuban Railway Company at different instances.

They also addressed the autodresina, railway equipment used in the transfer of people and resources to travel to the southern town, Misleydi Abad Modey, first secretary of the political organization here, Ernesto Linares Ojeda, president of the Governing Body, and Mariela González Hayes, mayor of the territory.

In this area, what`s missing for the materialization of the most desired commitment of the residents of Limones Palmero is the return of the train and aspects related to the entry of materials that the work still requires in charge of a brigade of this municipality and whose budget is to 15 million pesos.

Once the trip was over, Orelvis Ramírez Rojas, director of roads and bridges in the province of Ciego de Ávila, gave a positive assessment of the tour, which showed the results of the work both in capital repairs and maintenance, for January 25th to carry out a load test (locomotive and cars) to determine when service is activated. However, he argued, that at this time repair work is continuing, such as alignment and footwear of the road.