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    A call to increase actions in favor of road safety in Ciego de Ávila

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    Llaman a incrementar las acciones a favor de la seguridad vial en Ciego de Ávila

    To achieve greater links between the municipal sub-delegations, intensify training actions, reaffirm links with the University, and incorporate studies in order to promote changes and transformations in all road users, Reinaldo Becerra Acosta called in Ciego de Ávila, President of the National Road Safety Commission.

    Despite the limitations in vehicular circulation, generated by the autochthonous transmission stage in the province during 2021, the accident rate indicators exceeded those that occurred in 2020, with 219 collisions, 21 deaths and 157 injuries.

    In this stage, the occurrence of massive accidents is not reported, as revealed in the annual balance of the Road Safety Commission.

    The indiscipline on public roads are among the main causes of accidents, as well as not respecting the right of way, undue overtaking, lack of attention to control of the vehicle, and the ingestion of alcoholic beverages, together with the circulation of carts on roads at times not allowed, and dark.

    In this sense, accidents involving carts were 90 percent higher than the previous year, with a notable increase in traffic on the highways of Ciego de Ávila-Morón, Ciego de Ávila-Ceballos, and Ciego de Ávila-Venezuela and on the main highway.

    The vehicles with the highest incidence were cars, involved in 125 collisions, however, in the case of motorcycles, they recorded 35 accidents, three deaths, and 23 injuries, in the same way the motorcycles were involved in 16 collisions, with 2 fatalities and 11 injured people.

    Becerra Acosta specified that the abuse of cycle, motorcycle and motor drivers represent the greatest causes of accidents and stated that this is where the gap should be closed.

    When analyzing the confrontation tasks carried out by the Transit Directorate, it was learned that the main problem lies in the lack of a place to store the equipment.

    For his part, Ernesto Ríos Cruz, director of the Provincial Road Center, referring to the safety and conservation of the roads, explained that, at this time, the use of the ash generated by the bioelectric plant is used as one of the resources to guarantee actions patching and sealing cracks.

    The director added that the low availability of the approved budget prevents contracting with the executing units, which contract in the first months of the year.

    At the meeting, the work sub commissions, the state inspection of Road Safety, the direction of transport, the Municipal Commission of Primero de Enero were recognized.

    In a personal capacity, Nodelsa Viña Oramas, deputy director of the South Stoneway Investment Unit, received recognition for her commendable work in preventing traffic accidents.