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    More than the Law, teaching how to behave on the road

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    Más que la Ley, enseñar a comportarse en la vía

    Reinaldo Becerra Acosta, general secretary of the National Road Safety Commission (CNSV), called from the province of Ciego de Ávila to change educational conceptions to stimulate responsible behaviors in drivers and pedestrians that guarantee the preservation of human and material resources.

    More than teaching the Law, it is urgent to instruct on how to behave on the road from an early age, which requires the performance of enjoyable activities and the development of initiatives in the educational and communication fields, he reiterated after analyzing the results of road safety in Ciego de Ávila during the year 2021.

    The redesign of road education strategies should conceive as a premise the strengthening of links with the student body, considering that "the young people of today will be the drivers of tomorrow" and, at these ages, traffic accidents are among the first causes of death in the country, he recommended.

    It is necessary to apply science by approaching research centers and universities, with training proposals and topics that contribute to the completion of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, the results of which contribute to solve problems along the way, he said.

    Más que la Ley, enseñar a comportarse en la vía

    Becerra Acosta also called for better use of information and communication technologies to increase the culture of drivers and pedestrians, which includes the development of computer applications and educational games, aimed primarily at children, adolescents and youths.

    Road and Driving Education schools should seek to approach educational centers and create opportunities for learning, such as the creation of adjoining classrooms in Higher Education institutions, where the foundation of Road Education chairs is also proposed to develop academic and educational scientific activities, he explained.

    Given the increase in the danger of traffic accidents and the high fatality rate in the country during the last two years―despite the mobility restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic―, the call is to “think differently”, don`t do the same”, he emphasized.

    The management of road safety in the country does not reach the desired state, due to the more than 500 deaths on Cuban roads in 2020 and a figure greater than 600 in 2021, in addition to high numbers of injuries and events characterized as violent and illustrative of violations of the Road Safety Code, he said.

    Más que la Ley, enseñar a comportarse en la vía

    In this context, he requested that those responsible be increased to maintain discipline on the different routes, strengthen intersectoral work in order to educate and prevent, and make adequate use of the media for the transmission of messages capable of raising awareness and sensitize people.

    He recalled that road safety is a human right and traffic accidents represent a national defense problem that worries and occupies the Cuban State, which promotes road education courses, including those on handling victims at the scene of the event.

    In complex economic circumstances, due to a multidimensional crisis, the repair of roads is maintained, giving priority to those of national interest and with the highest vehicular flow, which implies optimizing raw materials and the search for solutions to make up for the deficit of resources allocated to improve the condition of the roads.

    Más que la Ley, enseñar a comportarse en la vía

    The secretary of the CNSV announced that the first nationally manufactured traffic lights are in the testing phase in Havana, resulting from the use of human and material capacities, and the application of science and innovation.

    Ernesto Ríos Cruz, director of the Provincial Center for Road Safety, referred to the use of waste from the construction materials industries and ashes from power plants and bioelectric plants to prepare mixtures for sealing potholes and cracks in highways.

    He added that alternatives are also being sought with different organizations and new economic actors for the manufacture of screws and pedestals used in vertical signage.