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    Minister of Education addresses aspects of the start of the school year

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    Ministra de Educación aborda aspectos del inicio del curso escolar

    The new school year will begin next Monday, March 7 for all teachings, except primary education, which will begin on the 14th due to the difference in the vaccination processes during 2021, reported Ena Elsa Velázquez Cobiella, Minister of Education of Cuba.

    The 2021-2022 school period will run until November 19 and will respect the school break corresponding to the week of victory from April 18 to 23, along with the scheduled vacations from July 28 to August 27 for teachers, and until on September 3 for students, assured the head during the Round Table radio and television space.

    Las Tunas, he stressed, was the only province that was able to start classes on their usual date, so it will end in July and the 2022-2023 school year will begin in September.

    In the case of special education, classes will begin in correspondence with the grade they are studying, without distinction for schools that combine primary and secondary education, he declared.

    According to Velázquez Cobiella, the educational process will continue to develop with the application of curricular adaptations until the 2022-2023 academic year, which will end in July of next year, and it is intended to return to the normal calendar for the 2023-2024 period.

    Work will be done on the premise of not eliminating content or affecting the objectives of each grade and educational level, taking advantage of the experience gained during the pandemic stage around networking, teacher preparation, together with the bond with the family and the community, the Minister clarified.

    He also highlighted the importance of the diagnosis of students and the design by teachers of personalized attention to address specific deficiencies that include the emotional and psychological field.

    Regarding the granting process for students completing ninth grade, the Minister assured that places are guaranteed for all graduates, which includes a re-offer process and prioritized attention, she added.

    The culmination of basic secondary education represents a greater concern for the family due to the process of forming the ranking and ballots with the offers of improvement for the upper secondary level, he commented.

    Velázquez Cobiella specified that educational institutions are working on this issue and instructing students, since they are adolescents who have not yet reached working age.

    He explained that this year brings together the graduation of more than eight thousand new teachers, who will contribute to the completion of the cloisters and will increase the coverage of the teaching staff, currently at 97.7 percent of its capacity, where special attention is paid to Havana for being the province with the largest number of students.

    Technical and professional education, which responds to the demand for products and services, will graduate around 10,500 qualified workers and more than 29,853 intermediate technicians, together with 3,874 students of the latter modality in its three-year plan , he pointed out.