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    This Monday: the 2021-2022 school year begins in Cuba

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    Comienza este lunes en Cuba curso escolar 2021-2022

    The new school year 2021-2022 begins this Monday in Cuba for Basic Secondary, Pre-university, Technical and Professional Education, the Pedagogical Training of all teaching organizations and the education of young people and adults.

    During a television appearance, Ena Elsa Velázquez Cobiella, Minister of Education, pointed out that there is a guarantee of a completed vaccination process and compliance with sanitary measures in educational institutions.

    She added that the existing methodological adjustments will be maintained, without eliminating content or harming the objectives to be overcome in each grade, and promoting personalized attention to students from an academic, psychological and emotional perspective.

    This current 2022 is an atypical year, she commented, as several school years converge, but the transportation of teachers, food in the case of Basic Secondary education, and the material base of study are guaranteed from a limited norm.

    The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, have made it difficult to obtain resources for making uniforms, repairing facilities, delivering study material and of life, she pointed out.

    However, she assured that the usual amounts of pencils and notebooks will gradually be completed, as well as the distribution of textile pieces, for which the fabric is already financed and contracted.

    The head added that the school break is held in tribute and salute to Girón's victory, from April 18 to 23, and summer vacations from July 28 to August 27 for teachers and students until September 3.

    Therefore, classes will resume on September 5 and end on November 19.

    Velázquez Cobiella explained that next Monday, March 14, is the date set for the return to classes of Primary Education, due to the difference in the vaccination processes during 2021, and Special Education will begin in correspondence with the level in which the students are.

    She specified that in the case of Las Tunas, being the only province capable of maintaining the usual calendar, the 2020-2021 academic year will end in July and the new school term will begin in September.

    The curricular adaptations prepared by the selected researchers, methodologists and teachers will be maintained for the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years.