International project contributes to the empowerment of women in coastal settlements

The international project "Building coastal resilience in Cuba through natural solutions for adaptation to Climate Change (Coastal Resilience)", advocates for the rights and empowerment of women in four coastal communities in the north-central region of the country.

According to the official documentation of this global initiative, it is planned to strengthen the resilience of riverside settlements, through the implementation of strategies for adaptation to climate change, sensitive to gender, in the main development sectors and governments, at the national, local and community level.

Ariel Mayea Escobar, director of the Joaquín de Agüero y Agüero Urban Pre-University Institute, located in the Ciego de Ávila coastal settlement of Punta Alegre, one of the four direct intervention sites in the country, stressed that Coastal Resilience achieves a change in perception of the figure and the role of women in society.

Greater use of human resources is achieved by stimulating the incorporation of women in productive activities and their performance in administrative functions, where they demonstrate the ability to make decisions that contribute to local development and the improvement of the quality of life of the population, he said.

When exchanging with representatives of the European Union, an organization that finances Coastal Resilience (through the Global Alliance for Climate Change), Mayea Escobar emphasized the work of the Center for Capacity Building and Community Knowledge Management in order to promote equity of genre.

In provinces such as Ciego de Ávila, women have a high representation among the coordinators and executors of this international project, achieving adequate administration, organization and compliance with the actions planned in the coastal settlement of Punta Alegre, in the municipality of Chambas.

Successfully inserted in the rehabilitation of mangrove forests, sanitation days on the riverbanks, preparation actions in educational institutions of different levels of education, the Community Capacity Building Center, political and mass organizations, and economic entities.

With four direct intervention sites on the central north coast of the country (Punta Brava, Playa Victoria, Punta Alegre and Santa Rita), the project strengthens and integrates disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in socioeconomic development plans sectors and governments of vulnerable coastal municipalities.

Coastal Resilience acts directly in the municipalities of Caibarién, Yaguajay, Chambas and Nuevitas, meanwhile, replication actions extend to 11 other territories for the benefit of more than 600 000 people.

This initiative is led by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, through the Environment Agency and its National Risk Assessment Group, with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the participation of Civil Defense, Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Physical Planning.