Family code, a step towards inclusion

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Código de las familias, un avance hacia la inclusión

The new proposals of the Family Code Project, which correspond to the existing family diversity in our country, were the center of the debate held by the voters of District 19, of the Enrique Varona Popular Council, of the municipality of Chambas, as part of the consultation process to which the document is submitted throughout the national territory.

“We work with ages from 14 to 18 in Higher Secondary Education and dealing with these issues is very important, for example, before we had model families, but the reality is much richer and more diverse. In my opinion, this was what Cuba needed. I believe that nothing escapes the spirit of the document, because it is very well thought out and detailed”, teacher Gladys Esther Salaber Varela commented.

Along the same lines, Lourdes Ulacia Martínez, deputy to the National Assembly and president of the Popular Council, emphasized that the Family Code Project is inclusive and the fact of recognizing socio-affective affiliation as a constitutive element of families is an important step forward. "Each family should have the same rights, no matter what form of organization it is," she emphasized.

Lourdes Ulacia Martínez and Alexis Suárez López, Law graduates, who highlighted in the meeting, as part of the explanation of the document, that it is important to achieve the active participation of each member of the family in the upbringing and care of children.

Marriage between individuals of the same sex, the inclusion of the concept of parental responsibility and of a complete title dedicated to gender violence, and the special protection granted to children, adolescents and the elderly, are irrefutable proof of the projection and scope of the Family Code Project, which constitutes a well-lit path in the construction of a more just and inclusive Cuba.