Proletarian contribution to sugar cane planting in Ciego de Ávila

A voluntary work dedicated to the planting of around six hectares of cane on land belonging to the Sabino Pupo Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA), in the municipality of Baraguá, constituted a propitious space to greet the upcoming celebration of the Provincial Balance Assembly of the Party. Besides, the launching of a call to the Ciego de Ávila labor movement to participate in the parade on May 1st. in squares and streets not carried out in the previous two years due to the incidence of COVID-19.

This productive mobilization of leaders and cadres of the Cuban Worker Central (CTC), members of the Provincial Bureau of the Party, along with workers from different unions in the territory of Baragüá, offers its contribution in a fundamental element for the support of the sugar sector such as the plantation of the sweet grass. The activity needs a turnaround and the data for the end of February confirms it when the province presents arrears of 31 percent of the plan of 643.7 hectares (ha) planned for that month.

Mayrelis González Díaz, a young cultural promoter in the People's Council of Colorado and one of the participants, in the middle of the groove, told Invasor that activities of this type constitute small contributions, in tasks that need it most, to everything done by the Revolution in benefit of the people.

Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the CTC in the province, stated that this Sunday, May 20th in all the municipalities of Ciego de Ávila, volunteer work focused on food production and sugar cane planting, very important economic activities for the development of province, was carried out.

She added that the call for International Workers' Day will be extended to labor groups until next March 31; this year the date will be dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of José Martí and, in particular, to the medical personnel and scientists who have written memorable pages in the confrontation with the pandemic.

Carlos Luis Garrido Pérez, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in the province; Liandrys Valier Barbier, first secretary of the Party in Baraguá, as well as agricultural workers from the Sabino Pupo CPA and other directors of the Ecuador Agro-industrial Sugar Company participated in the productive task.