Majagua exceeds blood donation program

The program of the noble task of donating blood to save lives corresponding to the first quarter of the year 2022 was fulfilled in the municipality of Majagua with more than twenty contributions above what was planned.

The humanitarian work led by the health sector in southwest Avila has the support of the Board of Directors and community factors, which makes it possible for the mobile team of the provincial blood bank to reach the most remote demarcations.

Belkis García Camp, vice president of the governing body, specified that as part of the initiatives that are put into practice in each place where the arrival of the provincial bank is announced, it becomes a community festivity where traditional soups, music and donor stimulation.

With the achievement registered at the end of the first quarter of this year, the bases are strengthened so that Majagua, current Provincial vanguard in recognition of the spontaneous disposition of men and women aware of how important it is to donate blood, represents a strong opponent in the emulation by on June 14, its world day.