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    Strings and Voices from the Lowlands celebrates its twelfth anniversary

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    Festeja Cuerdas y Voces del Llano su duodécimo aniversario

    The peasant quintet Strings and Voices from the Lowlands celebrates its twelfth anniversary this year with multiple activities that include festivals, parties and binges.

    "The traditional controversies, the tenths and the improvisation of poets and guest improvisers will not be lacking in any of the modalities", its director Gualberto Domínguez argued.

    Strings and Voices from the Lowlands quintet, founded on April 13, 2012, is one of the most popular peasant groups in the catalog of excellence of the Music and Show Company, Musicávila.

    The Provincial Radio Network in Ciego de Ávila is preparing a special with this group for the coming April 13 in the stellar radio station of Radio Surco, Guateque Cubano.