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    Ciego de Ávila`s heartbeat on May 1st

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    Latir avileño en 1ro de Mayo

    May 1st flag in the hands of union leaders from Ciego de Ávila, headed by Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Worker Central/ Photo: Sulema Véliz Pina

    This Sunday, a volunteer work in sugarcane areas of the municipality of Primero de Enero, was the beginning of the tour of the May 1st flag that will be present in the activities of homage for the International Workers' Day, in the province of Ciego de Ávila.

    The emblem of the trade union movement will visit several work centers until April 30, according to Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC), in Ciego de Ávila. She emphasized that the objective of this task is to contribute to the battle for economic efficiency, the recovery of industry production levels and the strengthening of ties with new economic actors in the non-state sector, among other actions.

    The tour includes visits to the Primero de Enero, Ecuador and Ciro Redondo sugar mills, the oil company in Majagua, the Florencia tobacco fields, La Cuba agricultural company, schools in Morón, Bolivia and Chambas municipalities, the Ceballos agro-industrial company, the Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola provincial hospital, the international airport and other facilities in the Jardines del Rey tourist destination.

    The parade of the First of May flag will culminate in the parade in the Máximo Gómez Báez Revolution Square, in the capital of Ciego de Ávila, on the occasion of the working class party, in which the banner will be in the hands of members of the Union of Health Workers, in recognition of their exploits in the confrontation with Covid-19.