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    First National Workshop for Water and Sanitation in Cuba held in Ciego de Ávila

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    Efectúan en Ciego de Ávila Primer Taller Nacional para el Agua y el Saneamiento en Cuba

    With the purpose of improving communication management in the Cuban Aqueduct network, from April 5 to 7, Ciego de Ávila will host the First National Workshop on Business Communication for Water and Sanitation.

    Institutional communicators of Water and Sanitation from all over the country began the debate on Tuesday at the Morón hotel, where Ciego de Ávila`s specialists from the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS) are inserted.

    The Communication management system focused the attention of the workshops on Tuesday, while Wednesday will be dedicated to handling complaints and serving the population.

    The water saving policy, the media agenda, the digital government and the use of social networks in institutional promotion are other topics to be discussed during the First National Workshop on Business Communication for Water and Sanitation that is taking place in Ciego de Avila.