In Girón, “Cuba set an example”

Knowing the story narrated by the combatant Diosdado Morales Camacho, immerses those who listen to him in a gallery of images that allow them to travel through the most important events of the Cuban Revolution.

Diosdado, reserve captain of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), and fighter of the clandestine struggle as part of the July 26 Revolutionary Movement, member of Column 8 Ciro Redondo, commanded by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, participated in the Fight Against Bandits, the October Crisis, in the Battle of Girón and years later, in internationalist missions in Nicaragua.

Recalling the Girón battles, Diosdado affirms that “Cuba set an example to the world when it defeated, in less than 72 hours, a very strong enemy, much better armed and trained, who intended to organize a beachhead in our territory with the support of the United States government."

The presence and example of Fidel Castro, who personally directed all the operations, gave strength to the troops of the Rebel Army, the militia and the officers who were in Matanzas, and propitiated, in the sands of Girón, the first great defeat of imperialism in America.

“When the invasion, I was in the General Staff of the Central Army in Santa Clara, in Battalion 317 of Company No. 1, and in Girón I was under the command of Commander Raúl Menéndez Tomasevich, who, with our troops, made up of artillery and infantry, entered through the Covadonga power plant, where the mercenaries were stationed, and that advantage allowed them to kill many of our soldiers, at a time when they had already taken Playa Larga and Cayo Ramona”, he evokes.

Among his many anecdotes, he cannot fail to mention the bombings of which they were victims by mercenary aviation, when planes with Cuban insignia viciously attacked them and caused several deaths and the destruction of numerous means of transportation.

“I was very young —Diosdado remembers— and, like my classmates, I was very politically defined. Today, when the 61st anniversary of the Victory of Girón is celebrated, I am of the opinion that the Revolution is invincible, and that a free and sovereign people like Cuba is capable of shedding every last drop of blood to defend it.”