May there be no wasted days or peaceful dawns at work in Ciego de Ávila!

Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba, congratulates Liván Izquierdo Alonso, who at the end of last March was elected the highest political authority in Ciego de Ávila

Liván Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee of the Party and new first secretary in the province of Ciego de Ávila, upon arrival in the territory finds tall grass in the fields, decreased dairy and agro-sugar production; sky-high prices, tourism diminished by the global economic crisis, Covid-19 and the stubborn US economic blockade against Cuba. It also finds Ciego de Ávila`s citizens eager to do things and convinced that "the day there is no combat will be a day wasted or misused."

The graduate in Physical Culture and Master in Business Administration; father of two children (one female), was preceded by his prestige as CDR leader and as first secretary of the Party in the province of Matanzas. He also brought the conviction that the freedom gained must be maintained day by day, in the midst of shortages and giant waves that arrive from the north, as always, "scrambled and brutal."

When it comes to revealing "some merit of his own," Liván asks to maintain the "clandestineness," even though he knows that the First Secretary of the Party in a province is the visible face of the territory.

Respecting the "laws of the game", here is the transcript of a few minutes of sincere dialogue.

What was the first place you visited in the province?

—The Central First of January. There I felt the effort of its people to do what they have to do, in the middle of the complex scenario of the sugar harvest. 

One of the main dissatisfactions in Ciego de Ávila is the slow progress in food production and the disproportionate increase in prices in general. Do you bring any specific experience to increase harvest volumes and lower prices or, at least, prevent them from continuing to rise?

—I bring the ideas, concepts and guidelines discussed and approved at the Eighth Party Congress and the motivation to comply with them with the participation of all.

«Ciego de Ávila is a productive paradise and Cuba needs a lot from this province, due to the industriousness of its people, the quality of the soil and its geographical location, almost in the center of the country. We, together, from this trench, can do a lot for the Ciego de Ávila`s people and for Cuba».

Did you know some of the qualities of the Ciego de Ávila`s inhabitans?

—I didn't know them in detail, but Fidel's words are the faithful portrait of what I have verified in such a short time. Ciego de Ávila, he said, "is an enthusiastic, efficient and brilliant town." Miguel Díaz-Canel, in one of the most recent visits, had words of praise, when he asserted that “Ciego de Ávila`s citizens are a hard-working, educated, decent and very talented people. It is a summary of qualities that I have felt in the exchanges with the people and workers of the places visited.

--"People and Party?" Links to achieve the indigenous socialism to which Cubans aspire?

—Socialism is a work of social justice that creates an individual aware of his participation in the process of forming a model, with the participation of the new man that Che spoke of, always ready to defend the Revolution and preserve the socialist homeland, for the sake of developing a general and comprehensive culture that strengthens the revolutionary convictions and values ​​of the Cuban people.

—Towards which fronts will the work of the Party in the province be directed in the next period? What main issues will occupy the new leadership in the territory?

—On the road to the economic and ideological battle, the raison d'être of the Party as the governing body of society; We will also pay special attention to computerization, social communication, science and innovation, in a province where the imprint of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro and Raúl is present. Whatever we do will be in close ties with the people, the revolutionaries and with the militants of the communist party at the forefront.

Raúl Castro has said that «in order to have more, we must start by producing more and with a sense of rationality and efficiency». Both concepts constitute essential weapons in the future development of the territory.

—The fundamental wealth is created by man and we have it in daily work and savings. In a country that is increasingly besieged and besieged, everyone must fulfill their part of the duty that corresponds to them. We can defend the revolution from any trench

—Did you know that a recurring and very valid phrase for Ciego de Ávila`s inhabitans was the one pronounced by Máximo Gómez, on November 25, 1895, when he formed the Invading Army in the poteros of Lázaro López and said that «the day there is no combat would it be a day wasted or misused”?

—The definitive constitution of the Invading Army, on November 30, 1895, in the pastures of Lázaro López, was a transcendental event in  historiography of the region and is one of the most transcendental moments in the wars for the independence of Cuba.

«In that sacred place of the Homeland, around four thousand rebels from Las Villas, Camagüey and East region gathered in a military parade as a symbol of the long-awaited unity of Cubans in their independence ideal, defended at all costs by José Martí; the same unit that we will never give up because it is part of the Ciego de Ávila`s heartbeat.